Primula denticulata
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Primula denticulata - Wikipedia. Species: P. denticulata primula denticulata. Binomial name. Primula denticulata. Sm. Primula denticulata, the drumstick primula, is a species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae, native to moist alpine regions of China (S Xizang), Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, N Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. [1] primula denticulata. Primula denticulata (Drumstick Primula) - Gardenia. Robust, Primula denticulata, commonly known as Drumstick Primula, is a very attractive perennial with dense, rounded flowerheads, 4 in. wide (8 cm), of many flat flowers in shades of pale lilac, rich purple, blue, pink, or white.. Gömbös Kankalin (Primula denticulata) gondozása, szaporítása. Talajtakaró Árnyéktűrő Szobanövény A kankalin kétségtelenül a tavasz első hírnökei közé tartozik, ennek köszönhetően a hazai kertekben számos fajával és fajtájával találkozhatunk, a szártalan kankalintól kezdve a sudár kankalinig.. Gömbös kankalin (Primula denticulata) gondozása - A gömbös kankalin ( Primula denticulata) kora tavasszal virágzó, alacsony termetű évelő növény. Hosszúkás, lekerekített végű, kissé ráncos levelei tőlevélrózsába rendeződnek. Apró virágok alkotta, gömb alakú virágzatát a szár végén hozza.. Primula denticulata (De)|drumstick primula/RHS Gardening. Primula denticulata (De) drumstick primula P. denticulata is an herbaceous perennial to 30cm, with obovate leaves mealy beneath primula denticulata. Flowers to 18mm in width, pale or deep purple with a yellow eye, borne in dense rounded heads on the erect stems Other common names tooth-leaved primrose Synonyms Primula denticulata mixed Join the RHS today and save 25%. Kankalin (Primula) gondozása - Részletes útmutató. A gömbös kankalin (Primula denticulata) gondozása. A gömbös kankalin (Primula denticulata) kora tavasszal nyíló, alacsonyra növő évelő növény. Főleg csoportosan ültetve sziklakertekben, virágágyásokban, vagy kerti tavak környékének találkozhatunk vele.. Primula denticulata var primula denticulata. alba | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Primula denticulata var primula denticulata
vaddisznó raguleves
. alba bears white flowers. It looks best when planted in large drifts, and works well under shrubs or at the front of borders. Its also suitable for growing in bog gardens and at the pond edge
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. Grow alongside snowflakes, wood anemone and candelabra primulas. primula denticulata. Primula denticulata - Cambridge Botanic Garden primula denticulata. One of the most familiar and easiest of the primroses, Primula denticulata, or the drumstick Primula, brings welcome colour to a damp, humus-rich site primula denticulata. A native of the Himalaya, where it grows in moist alpine zones, it produces a basal rosette of slender, spoon-shaped, pale-green leaves, with slightly toothed margins, which earn it the Latin .. Primula denticulata Sm. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science. Primula denticulata is a perennial, deciduous, clump-forming plant with compact heads of many flowers, and overwinters as large, above-ground buds with thick roots primula denticulata. The winter buds of P. denticulata are surrounded by large, leathery scales. In spring and summer, the oblong, wrinkly leaves can grow up to 30 cm long and have a toothed margin.. Primula denticulata Ronsdorf - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden. Primula denticulata, commonly called drumstick primula, is a herbaceous perennial native to the Himalayas, where it can be found growing in moist, high altitude alpine meadows, grassy slopes, and forest openings at 5,000-13,000 above sea level. Mature plants can reach 1 tall with an equal spread.. How to grow: Primula denticulata - The Telegraph. Among the most handsome and striking is the so-called drumstick primula, Primula denticulata, an easy-growing, rumbustious species, originating from meadows and the light woodland of the Himalayas .. Primula denticulata Sm. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science. The native range of this species is E primula denticulata. Afghanistan to China (W. Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou) and Myanmar. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome. Taxonomy. Images. General information.. How to Grow and Care for Primroses - The Spruce. The Primula genus contains at least 500 species and an almost infinite number of hybrids and cultivars primula denticulata. Most are short-lived perennials. Cultivated varieties usually carry the common name of primrose, and they generally share a similar shape—low rosettes of dark green leaves with umbrels of colorful flowers that arise on sturdy stalks in spring.. Primula: ha ezeket a tanácsokat megfogadod, sokáig hozza a virágokat .. A kankalinnak létezik magas fajtája is ilyen pl. a primula elatior, és a priumla veris, amelyek már a 15-25 cm magasságot is elérhetik. Ezen kívül szintén gyönyörű a P. denticulata, amely márciustól május végéig is virágzik, vagy a P primula denticulata. bullesiana, és a P. bulleyana.. Primula denticulata Sm. Primula macrophylla D. Don Primula reptans Hook .. Primula denticulata: Infusion of young stem base is used as ophthalmic (Akhtar et al. 2013) primula denticulata. A leaf infusion is used for diabetes and urinary ailments and the root poultice for eye problems and wound healing (Bano et al., 2014) primula denticulata. The whole plant is used for improving eye sight and controlling ophthalmic problem (Ali et al., 2011).. Primula denticulata, great small perennial - Garden Fundamentals. Primula denticulata (PRIM-yew-lah den-tik-yoo-LAH-tuh) Life Cycle: perennial. Height: flower 30 cm (12in), leaves 15cm (6in) Bloom Time: early spring. Natural Range: Eastern Afghanistan, Pakistan and China. Habitat: open woods and meadows in moist ground. Synonyms: none. Cultivation of Primula denticulata: Light: part shade to full shade primula denticulata. BBC - Gardening: Plant Finder - Drumstick primula
ica kövek
. Drumstick primula Common Name: Drumstick primula Genus: Primula Species: denticulata Skill Level: Beginner Exposure: Full sun, Partial shade Hardiness: Hardy Soil type: Well-drained/light,.. Primula Denticulata or Himalayan Primrose - Gardeners Tips. Primula denticulata Rubra variety is a handsome plant with deep purplish red flowers and large, smooth foliage. Also known as The Drumstick primrose or Himalayan Primrose this is a vigorous perennial. These plants are suited to growing in the border, rockery or as a pond marginal plant.. Kankalin (Primula) gondozása kertben és lakásban - A kankalin bemutatása A kankalin (Primula) a kankalinfélék családjába tartozó növénynemzetség, melybe kb. 400-500 fajt sorolunk. Ezek az alacsony termetű, lágyszárú növények, az északi félgömb mérsékelt éghajlatú részeitől kezdve, egészen Etiópia, Indonézia, és Új-Guinea trópusi helységein át, Dél-Amerika egyes területeiig előfordulnak.. Primula denticulata - Appeltern Adventure Gardens. Primula denticulata Ook wel bekend als de Cashmeriana (Bolprimula). Omschrijving Primula denticulata Cashmeriana bloeit met kogelvormige lila bloemen in de periode (eind) maart-april. De hoogte van Primula denticulata Cashmeriana bedraagt circa 20-25 cm. Een zonnige standplaats en een vochthoudende grond zijn gewenst.. Primula denticulata - Wikispecies - Wikimedia
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Primula denticulata in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Accessed: 07-Oct-06 primula denticulata. Eveleigh, P. 2003-2012: Primula denticulata in Primula World, a visual reference for the genus Primula. Published on internet primula denticulata. Accessed: 2017 Oct 14.. Primula denticulata Cashmeriana Ruby - Plant Finder. Primula denticulata, commonly called drumstick primula, is a herbaceous perennial native to the Himalayas, where it can be found growing in moist, high altitude alpine meadows, grassy slopes, and forest openings at 5,000-13,000 above sea level primula denticulata. Mature plants can reach 1 tall with an equal spread. The oblong leaves can reach up to 6" long and . primula denticulata. Primula u saksiji - sobno cveće, ukrasno bilje, nega, održavanje .. Latinsko ime Primula potječe od rijeci«primus« što znači prvi. Botanički je srodna sa žutim jaglacima, na koje u rano proljeće nailazimo u prirodi, i mnogim vrtnim primulama, kao što ,su Primula denticulata, acaulis, elatior, rosea itd. I ove vrtne primule možamo u jesen posaditi u lonce ili još bolje u cvjetne zdjelice.. Primula - Far Reaches Farm primula denticulata. Primula denticulata - mixed colors Seedlings of this Drumstick Primrose from a red or "Rubin" flowered selection which will undoubtedly be all over the map in flower color as long as that map runs from point blue to point red since we cleverly have this growing near a blue denticulata. The older we get, the more we know and the less able to act .. タマザキサクラソウ - 植物図鑑 - エバーグリーン. タマザキサクラソウ 【学名:Primula denticulata】 サクラソウ科サクラソウ属の植物。〔基本情報〕野生種は標高1,500~4,100mの高地. - エバーグリーン「植物図鑑」は1万種類以上の日本の植物が見られる図鑑サービスです。. Primula denticulata - efloraofindia - Google Sites. Primula denticulata from Himachal [Lahaul & Spiti; 3300 m asl] Yes, the most common denizen of sub alpine and alpine Himalaya primula denticulata. Blooms immediately after snow melt, thanks to preformed inflorescences which shoot up as soon as snow thaws on slopes primula denticulata. At higher elevations share the habitats with Caltha palustris.. Primula | SpringerLink. Approximately 500 species are involved in the genus Primula (Primulaceae) primula denticulatagázmérő névleges teljesítménye
év agrárembere 2021
Most of these species are found in cool regions, high-altitude mountain area, or high-latitude area, in northern hemisphere. Ohashi H, Mii M (2009) Unreduced 3x gamete formation of allotriploid hybrid derived from the cross of Primula denticulata (4x) 3 P. rosea (2x .. Prímula: cuidados, variedades y características - Jardinus primula denticulata. Prímula denticulata. Esta especie de prímula es poco habitual y tiene la particularidad de presentar las flores en una curiosa forma de bola. No crece en grandes dimensiones pero resulta especialmente original. Se mantienen bien en zonas de exterior e interior. Cuidados de la prímula primula denticulata. Growing Primula from Seed The American Primrose Societyhengerfejes autó javítási költsége
. by Claire Cockcroft (Taken from Primroses Quarterly, Spring 2007 Vol primula denticulata. 65 No. 2, pages 8-10) Growing primulas from seed is rewarding for several reasons: seed packets are an economical way to produce a large number of plants; seeds are often the only way to acquire some primula species; and finally, seed growing can be quite primula denticulata. Drumstick primula - info, planting, care and tips - primula denticulata. Plant characteristics and classification of drumstick primula Plant order, origin and occurrence of drumstick primula. The drumstick primula, botanically Primula denticulata, belongs to the genus of the primroses and with it to the primrose family (Primulaceae) primula denticulata. The perennial is native to the Himalayas and western China, where it grows on wet .. Primula denticulata var. Alba (Drumstick Primula) - Gardenia. 100. Buy Plants primula denticulata. Primula denticulata var primula denticulata. Alba (Drumstick Primula), is a very attractive perennial with dense, rounded flowerheads, 4 in. wide (8 cm), packed with flat, pure white flowers from early to late spring. Borne on sturdy, erect stems above rosettes of lance-shaped, wrinkly leaves, they are adorned with a delicate, golden eye. primula denticulata. Pacific Horticulture | Primula: the Joys of Spring and Beyond. Primula denticulata Drumstick primrose is the garden workhorse of the genus. Its adaptability makes it indispensable for anyone wanting to try Primula. Colors include varying shades of magenta, white, and a range from light lavender through deep lilac primula denticulata. Flowers appear in globular heads (like drumsticks) on twelve-inch stems.. Primula denticulata -The Drumstick Primrose - Growing With Plants. Primula denticulata is easy to grow, prefers some damp soil or moisture, and since it is native to western China, Nepal and Tibet, is very cold hardy primula denticulata. Some of the best plants I have ever seed were in Alaskan gardens. It emerges early, and is frost resistant primula denticulata. The color palette ranges through violets, reddish purple, and white.. 8 druhov prvosienok, ktoré vás uchvátia a všetko, čo by ste mali vedieť .. Primula denticulata. Prvosienka zúbkatá má guľovité súkvetie, ktoré môže byť podľa odrody bielej, belasej, ružovej, fialkovej alebo purpurovej farby. Kvitne: III - IV Výška × šírka: cca 20 - 60 × 20 cm. 2. Primula acaulis (syn. P. vulgaris). The Primrose Houseplant - How To Grow Primrose Indoors - Gardening Know How. You can raise the humidity around the primrose plant by placing it on a pebble tray. It is important to your success of growing primroses indoors that these plants be kept in temperatures below 80 F (27 C.). They grow best in temperatures between 50 and 65 F. (10-18 C.). Primrose houseplants should be fertilized about once a month except for .. Primula denticulata (Drumstick primula) Plants For Sale UK - Puddleplants
Primula denticulata (Drumstick primula) £ 5.98 - £ 9.78 inc. VAT. Primula denticulata, also know as the Drumstick primula (Primrose) due to the ball of small flowers produced at the end of erect stems. Smaller in size than the Beesiana/Candelabra primulas this grows to around 30cm in height and flowers earlier from March - May so a .. Shop Primrose Plants - Primula Perennials | American Meadows. Early, jewel-like blooms are most at home in moist, shady spots. Primrose, or Primula, are favorite woodland plants that have earned their place in the home garden primula denticulata. Treasured for their lasting flowers and strong, healthy foliage, primrose are a great choice for planting alongside spring-blooming bulbs.. Primula - Wikipedia. Primula (/ ˈ p r ɪ m j ʊ l ə /) is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Primulaceae.They include the primrose (P. vulgaris), a familiar wildflower of banks and verges.Other common species are P. auricula (auricula), P25 év alatti munkavállaló támogatása
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. veris (cowslip), and P primula denticulata. elatior (oxlip) primula denticulata. These species and many others are valued for their ornamental flowers.They have been extensively cultivated and .. Prvosenka - Wikipedie primula denticulata. Prvosenka (z latinského Primula = malá první, jelikož často kvetou brzy zjara, česky lidově petrklíč) je rod vytrvalých bylin (výjimečně jednoletých). Většina původně roste v Evropě a Asii, několik druhů v Americe. Celkem existuje asi 550 druhů prvosenek primula denticulata
Některé jsou pěstovány pro ozdobu.. Problems With Primroses - Learn About Primula Disease Problems And . primula denticulata. The most important fungal disease of primula is botrytis. You can often avoid this issue by ensuring that the air circulates around the plants. Dont give the plants too much water in cold winter conditions primula denticulata. If the fungus appears, spray with a fungicide primula denticulata. If your plants get root rot, damping off, or crown rot, they wilt and die.. Primula denticulata var. alba (De) - RHS Gardening. Primula denticulata varalba (De) white-flowered drumstick primula. A deciduous perennial to around 30cm tall with broadly strap-shaped, toothed leaves forming a basal rosette. Dense, rounded flowerheads to 8cm across packed with flat,white flowers are borne in spring on a stout, mealy stem.. Primula | Den ultimative guide til pasning af primula | Plantorama. Primula denticulata (kugleprimula) trives bedst i fuld sol og vil gerne have en let fugtig jordbund, der er rig på organisk materiale. På den måde genskaber du bedst de vækstvilkår, som arten har på dens naturlige levesteder i Asien. Primula rosea (rosenprimula) stammer oprindeligt fra Himalayas bjerge, hvor den fungerer som .. Primula denticulata Blue Selection at Digging Dog Nursery. Primula denticulata Blue Selection (P-0860) SOLD OUT! Email me when this plant is available primula denticulata. If a fairy majorette was out to beat the band, shed be carrying the adorable dark blue orbs of this Primula as her baton primula denticulata. Formed from plentiful, yellow-eyed, funnel-shaped florets, the dense 2 inglobes rest on stout stems above a textured .. 17 Different Types of Primrose Plants - Garden Lovers Club. Primula Denticulata. The Drumstick Primrose is an attractive perennial that grows in hardiness zones 2 through 8 primula denticulata. It grows rounded flower heads with several flat flowers in shades of purple, blue, lilac, white or pink that have golden eyes in the center. Primroses love partial shade and can be grown in patios, flower beds, and containers.. Primevère : conseils de plantation et dentretien | Truffaut. Primevère de lHimalaya (Primula denticulata) Taille et port : rosette caduque de 20 à 30 cm x 40 cm. Floraison : en fin dhiver. Courte hampe florale surmontée dune ombelle de fleurs blanches, mauves ou pourpres. Qualités : précoce, très rustique, robuste, originale. Accepte un sol lourd et compact. Utilisations : massif ou bac ombragé. primula denticulata. Primula denticulata blue-flowered - Shoot. Discuss Primula denticulata blue-flowered with other Shoot members Read more ShootChecker™ Get the Right Plant, Right Place Primula denticulata blue-flowered (Blue-flowered drumstick primula) Select a garden project to check if this is the right plant for the garden conditions. Garden project. Update garden condition details .. Primula denticulata ( Drumstick Primrose ) : Backyard Gardener. Primula denticulata is a robust, deciduous perennial with oblong to spoon-shaped leaves, to 10 inches long. Early in the season, bears crowded, round umbels of purple flowers with yellow eyes, to 3/4 inch wide. Full sun to partial shade in mild areas, or when soil is moist, humus-rich and well-drained. 18 inches tall and wide.. Primula - Growing Guide - Burncoose Nurseries. Primula denticulata primula denticulata. Primula denticulatafedett programok
. P. florindae grows rather taller to around 3ft in height primula denticulata. It flowers later in the summer than most species with stout stems (18") leading to umbels of fragrant sulphur yellow flowers. Primula florindae. Primula florindae.. Primula Denticulata or Himalayan Primrose | Gardeners Tips. Primula denticulata Rubra variety is a handsome plant with deep purplish red flowers and large, smooth foliage. Also known as The Drumstick primrose or Himalayan Primrose this is a vigorous perennial. These plants are suited to growing in the border, rockery or as a pond marginal plant.. Primula at Hazzards Seeds. Primula denticulata Cashmeriana Ruby 500 seeds. Code: P1769 $7.76. Primula denticulata Cashmeriana Ruby 1,000 seeds. Code: P1769V $13.80. Primula denticulata Lilac Globe 1,000 seeds. Code: P3558 $11.21. Primula denticulata Lilac Globe 2,000 seeds primula denticulata. Code: P3558V $21.85.. Kerti Kankalin (Primula × polyantha) gondozása, szaporítása (Sokvirágú .. A polyanthus hibrideket egyébként a hazánkban is őshonos és védett szártalan kankalin ( P primula denticulata. vulgaris) és a szintén honos tavaszi kankalin ( P. veris) keresztezésével hozzák létre, noha ezek a kertészeti változatok időnként más fajok génjeit is hordozzák. Habár megjelenésük változó lehet, a legtöbb fajta az eredetileg . primula denticulata. How to Take Root Cuttings | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Taking root cuttings couldnt be easier and its the ideal way to increase your stock of perennials, such as phlox, rhus, mint, Japanese anemones and Primula denticulata primula denticulata. Advertisement There are two ways to grow root cuttings: vertically for thick-rooted plants such as verbascums and poppies , and horizontally for thin-rooted plants like .. 20 Yellow Primrose Flowers - Happy DIY Home. Drumstick (Primula denticulata) produces flat 4 inch flowers in shades of white, blue, lavender pink or deep purple. Each bloom has a sunny, golden center, adding interest and contrast. Depending on the cultivar, the foliage can be either lance shaped or wrinkly. Native to China, the plants happily grow in both full and partial sun positions.. Drumstick Primula (Primula denticulata) - Victoriana Nursery. Primula denticulata. Erect stems are topped by masses of tiny flowers formed into a ball - giving the appearance of a drumstick. Colours range from white through to pinks and lavenders. A really pretty early Spring flower. Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only) primula denticulata. Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May.. Foraging and Harvesting Evening Primrose - New Life On A Homestead. Primula Baltic Amber: This type of primrose is a favorite among gardeners for its low maintenance, and ability to thrive in partial shade or full sun primula denticulata. Primula Denticulata: Also known as Drumstick primrose, this variety has deep pink flowers that give off a sweet scent when in bloom. The foliage is fern-like, and adds texture to gardens .. Primula - sådan dyrker du kodriver i haven og huset | idényt - idenyt. Populære primula-arter. Primula denticulata: Kugleprimula; Primula rosea: Rosenprimula; Primula pubescens: Showaurikler; Primulas oprindelse. Der findes over 500 arter af primula. Mange af disse er hjemmehørende i tempererede områder på den nordlige halvkugle. Over halvdelen af alle kendte sorter hører hjemme i Himmalaya. primula denticulata. Flower phenological events and duration pattern is . - ScienceDirect. FD increased with elevation for most of the species, whereas two species, Aquilegia pubiflora and Primula denticulata, showed early incidences of flowering compared to other species. Temperature played an imperative role in influencing the day of initiation and duration of these phenological events. High plasticity of flowering phenological .. Primula denticulata in Flora of China @ Primula denticulata Smith, Exot. Bot. 2: 109. 1806. 球花报春 qiu hua bao chun Herbs perennial, encircled at base with broadly ovate (1.5--4 X 1--2 cm), subfleshy bud scales primula denticulata. Leaves forming a rosette; petiole broadly winged, indistinct to nearly as long as leaf blade; leaf blade oblong to oblanceolate, 3--15 X 1.5--4 cm, enlarging to 20 cm .. Primula denticulata var primula denticulata. alba - Beth Chattos Plants. Primula denticulata var primula denticulata. alba Drumstick primula SKU: 2319 £ 6.50 .. Buy drumstick primrose Primula denticulata: £5.99 Delivery by primula denticulata. - Crocus. 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star. ( 2) Nicknamed the drumstick primrose, this variety sends up vibrant purple-mauve pom-poms of flowers from mid spring to early primula denticulata. 9cm pot. £5.99. In stock (shipped within 5-7 working days) 3 × 9cm pots. £15.00 £ 17.97. In stock (shipped within 5-7 working days) primula denticulata. Ethnobotanical and antibacterial study of Primula plants traditionally .. Primula denticulata Sm. Mameera: SK001: Root, leaves, flower: The stem of a plant is used, leaves infusion, leaves, and roots are used to make tea, powder of the whole plant is mixed with Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle) T.S. Ying and taken as orally: Insomnia, Urinary infection, (UTI) Wound healings, Eye disorders Cough and cold, Dysuria,. Prímula, Primavera U Orejas De Oso [ Cuidados Y Siembra ] primula denticulata. Además, la prímula de jardín (primula vulgaris) es una flor comestible. Precaución: algunas variedades contienen primina, que es un irritante. Se recomienda utilizar guantes para manipular la planta. Denticulata: especie caduca con flores esféricas. También hay prímulas que se adaptan perfectamente al cultivo de interior como la . primula denticulata. PDF ANTI-OXIDANT AND ANTI-DIABETIC ACTIVITIES OF ETHANOLIC . - ResearchGate
euphoria 2 évad 7 rész
. The present investigation was carried out to focus on the anti-oxidant and anti-diabetic effect of ethanolic extract of flowers of Primula denticulata by DPPH, ferrous chelating, reducing power .. Candelabra Primulas (Primroses) - Gardenia primula denticulata. Candelabra Primula is a common name used to refer to a group of Primrose species known for their layered, or tiered, whorls of flowers that give them a candelabra-like appearance. These plants belong to the family Primulaceae and are native primarily to damp areas in China or Japan. Habit and Size: Candelabra primulas are majestic perennial plants.. (PDF) Saponins from Primula denticulata - Various other Primula species have been four anomeric signals appeared at 15104.3,104.7,105.5 and reported to have medicinal properties [2, 3] therefore a 107.2, consistent with the presence of the IX-L-arabino- study of the saponins of P. denticulata has been under- pyranosyl, p-o-glucopyranosyJ and p-o-xylopyranosyl taken.. Kankalin (primula) gondozása, virágoztatása a szobában - Balkonada. A Primula eliator különbféle színű fajtákkal is rendelkezik. A gömbös kankalin (P. denticulata) márciustól májusig szép kerek ernyővirágokat hoz a 30 cm magas szárakon. Fajtától függően lila, rózsaszín, piros vagy fehér színben pompázik.. Primula denticulata - Wikipedia. Primula denticulata. Sm primula denticulata. Kaliwatan sa tanom nga bulak ang Primula denticulata. [1] Una ning gihulagway ni James Edward Smith. Ang Primula denticulata sakop sa kahenera nga Primula, ug kabanay nga Primulaceae primula denticulata. [1] [2]. Development of genome-wide microsatellites from Primula denticulata and .. Primula denticulata Sm primula denticulata
. is one of the most prevalent Primrose species found in the Indian Himalayan region with a wide extent of distribution from 1500 m to 3500 m altitude. Considering the ecological importance of Primulas, it is imperative to develop microsatellite markers to study genetic variability which can offer valuable insights into . primula denticulata. PDF International Journal of Pharmacological Research. Primula denticulata (Indian anti-snake venom plant) showed presence of Primetin-19 (5, 8-dihydoxyflavone) which posses strong sensitizing properties and is a powerful contact allergen [8]..